Comprehensive Grounds and Range Rules (download/read/print)
Indoor Shooting Facilities
Our indoor range has a special set of rules:
- .22Rimfire rifles are permitted. BB guns and air guns – ARE NOT.
- Handguns with ammo of NON MAGNUM calibers are welcome.
- No centerfire rifles or shotguns are allowed.
- Lead bullets only, no jacketed ammo of any kind.
- Pistol Qualification Class completion is required for club members wishing to use the indoor range.
General information about the outdoor ranges:
We have a 50 yard range. It can be used for hand guns and long guns. It is set up to allow shooting at 10 yards, 25 yards, and 50 yards simultaneously. Use of buck shot and bird shot is discouraged when sighting in shotguns. There is a firing line shooting table for hand-gunners and a bench for rifle shooters. Backers are provided and maintained for mounting targets.
We have a side by side 100 yard and 200 yard rifle range. It is primarily for rifles, though when deer or bear season approach, shotguns show up for sighting. There are shooting benches along the firing line. Both distances can be fired simultaneously. Both ranges cease fire at the same time. Backers are provided and maintained for mounting targets.
Muzzle loaders are welcome and frequently found on any of the rifle ranges.
We have a trap range, which opens in early April.
Archery Facilities
Indoor archery range available to members 24 hours a day. Maximum range of 30 yards. Restrooms and vending machines are accessible. Field tips only. No Broadheads.
Outdoor archery practice range consists of 20,30,40,50 yards targets. Field tips only. No Broadheads. The outdoor range is available during daylight hours only.
3D – LCCL hosts a monthly 3D shoot starting in March and running through August. 30 target course following the International Bowhunting Organization rules.
The LCCL monthly newsletter gives dates and times of all archery activities including starting dates for Youth archery and indoor league shooting.
We encourage shopping at Johnson’s Sporting Goods. They are a major contributor to our club and provide the ammunition for our annual “Learn to Shoot Day” (see the link on the LCCL Home page.)
Our monthly membership meeting is normally held the first Monday of each month at 7pm.